Labor of Love

Well hi!

Geez, I can’t believe how fast this month is flying by! I feel like just yesterday I was typing my first words for this challenge, and now here I am, with just 10 days and 16,165 words to go! And I gotta say: the closer I get, the antsier. I promised myself reward money for reaching my goal, and I am soooo pumped to go shoppin!

So I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the things that inspire, motivate, and get us energized and moving throughout the day. One of the most important ways we can choose consciously on behalf of our wellness and happiness is to make time for the things that fuel our passions and replenish our reserves.

For example, as exhausted as I am when I get home after work, something  about writing lights me up. I still feel daunted sometimes when I sit down to kick out my words for the day, but I get an inner push that moves me through my resistance to a place of excitement and eagerness to press forward. This is exactly the feeling I’m looking for in my work.

I think part of our problem as a society is that too few people are doing the work their souls long for. In her book Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow, Marsha Sinetar calls this work our right livelihoods. It’s a great book for anyone who wants to know more about the importance of finding their right life’s work, and about what can stand in the way of getting there. It also helps readers make sense the baggage we carry in our thought patterns that keeps us trapped, stuck doing work that only drains us. Ultimately, it all comes down to how we see ourselves and our work, and what we’re willing to do to have the lives we truly, deeply want.

Anyway, those are just my musings on the subject. It’s time for me to call it a night now. Rest well world. I hope your Tomorrows sparkle with awesome 🙂


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